My name is Robert Webb and I'm a Data Scientist, working in the advertising industry for over a decade. In my day job my role is to help clients understand the impact advertising has on their business, and what are the decisions they can make to grow. The last point is very important to me, and involves translating what-has happened into what will happen. Being able to predict the future is key to this.
I've always enjoyed experimenting with new techniques and trying to understand areas of consumer behaviour that hadn't been understood before. One of my happiest moments in my career was taking part in the i-Com hackathon. Spending 24 hours in a windowless room, trying to solve a challenge with a limited dataset may not sound like everyone's idea of fun, but it gave me the opportunity to stretch my brain in a variety of ways. It also didn't hurt that we won!
Using new techniques on challenges completely outside my day to day experience is a great way to test myself - not just on the technical side, but also framing the problem and articulating results in an engaging manner. Over the years, I believe I've created such interesting pieces of analysis and insight. So rather than just share these with a few friends, I thought I'd begin to collate them in one place, and hopefully provide some stimulus and entertainment to anyone who might stumble across them.
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